As before, synchronicity once more intervened...Chapters had a huge after Christmas Sale. How could I not go?!
Have you ever walked through a book store, not intending to buy anything, and a book literally jumps out at you? And when you pick it up, as you must, the book feels just right. Even the cover is pleasing. It becomes a must-have...superceding the promise you made to yourself that you were not going to buy any books. That's a promise just waiting to be broken.
In any event, Doreen Virtue's Archangels & Ascended Masters somehow ended up in my hands. In the book, the author lists about eighty dieties; their country of origin, religion and alternate names. It's easy to read, and enjoyable. It was not Ms. Virtue's intention, she says in her introduction, to write a long, involved book. There are many books and places for more in-depth study. But it did give me names and history of three of my guides. And a hint of a few I have yet to know.
I have always felt a strong affinity with Hecate; however, she wasn't mentioned in this book. The Triple Goddess was, though, in Brigid and in various others in differing pantheons. Many years ago, I saw my crone as a bride or as a mother; but the time for this has passed. Now I see the wise woman...the hag in the forest. By the sheer force of her personality alone, she propels me forward along this quest for spiritual identity. She is not one I would want to disappoint.
And then, of course, there's Archangel Michael. I finally know the name of the man who walks with me, as he's called by the various psychics who I have consulted over the years. They always comment on him; he stands over my right shoulder. Being given his name, after having nothing other than my senses to rely on with regards to advice I was receiving from him, makes me feel complete.
Michael's chief function, in Ms. Virtue's words, is "to rid the earth and its inhabitants of the toxins associated with fear". He works with the lightworkers, helping them to perform spiritual teachings and healing work. Michael is associated with fire; and as stated in the book, he can make you sweat. It is good to realize that what I thought was a return to unbearable hot flashes is more than likely Michael, giving me advice and aid on some subject or other. His presence feels really hot!
And because I call Michael whenever I feel afraid or unsure of my next step (actually, I even call on him to help me start the lawnmower...he has never let me down), he helps me with motivation and commitment and direction. And he gives me courage to continue with my life's purpose.
I once believed that I should only pray...whether to my guides or Creator...if life was so bad, I had no other choice. I have a far more relaxed and loving approach now. I have taken my teachings from books, seminars and from Shaman Maggie; all of which encourage me to call on my guides whenever I need help, with anything, large or small. Once, when I was complaining to Maggie about my inability to know who my guides were, she suggested I ask them to help me take a shower.
What an incredible experience that was. The usual order of things in taking a shower was thrown out, and a new, presumably better way of showering presented itself. I still giggle to myself as I look back on that shower. I don't want to spoil the surprise of what happens, so I won't go into more detail, but I hope you try it.
I thought, after study and conversations with those in the know, that I had a relaxed, joyful relationship with my sensory guides. But now that I know who my guides are, their names and their historys, I feel so much more open and more sure of them. They have carried me many times in the course of my life; it seems only fair and just that I now do what is expected of me without fear and compromise.
After all, my guides are here to help me with my life's journey, whatever path I take. If I know who they are and what their purpose is, I can pay back by being the best that I can be, at whatever task is set before me.
With my guides' help, eventually I will even understand Shamanism, and why I chose such a difficult and joyous path. Once I was told, "There will be answers" and I really believe I am getting a little closer to finding them.
As strange as it may seem, we all have our guides...each and every one of us. But unless we call for help directly, asking their advice, they will not help. It is the free will thing...guides will gladly help after you have decided first where you want to go, even if it is a very wrong path. They will watch you stumble and fall, they will pick up the pieces, and set you on your way once more. But they will not interfere, unless they are asked.
And when you have chosen the best path for you to take, your life's purpose, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt it is right. Everything will fall into place with a smoothness you never knew existed and synchronicity abounds. Optimism, happiness and joy are your primary emotions.
And you will make your particular set of guides and allies very happy.