A year ago, when Graydon was born, nobody could have convinced me I would be living in the Cariboo a year hence.
I am still surprised it happened...this move away from my family. I am not sure I have completely assimilated it yet, even as I live here.
My family will celebrate Graydon's birthday without me and Graham this year, but there will be a DVD of the proceedings. I am happy he received his first parcel from us, in time to open his present.
Parcels cement grandparents' connection to their grandkids, if there is distance involved. I remember the wonderful surprises my Oma sent me from Europe. There were exotic chocolates and candies...and German comic books. Those comics taught me to read the German language.
And these comic books taught me a bit about my German heritage and background. It will be small things like these which will fill the parcels I send...one never knows exactly what toy or book will enhance a child's life.
One year ago today, life changed for us, when Graydon arrived. And a year later, life

There will be a celebration here, in the Cariboo, as well. It is the day we will be moving into our new home. A double celebratory event for us.
I will wander through the house, imprinting the feel of it, the energy emitted. I will plan where items of furniture will go, when it arrives a few days from now. And I will remember the night Graydon was born...
I will not forget to send gratitude to Creator for the w

And now, a year later, we enjoy and dearly love our grandson... from afar, albeit...but even with the present uproar we are in, I remember the feel of him in my arms, how he snuggled and curled into my very soul, when he was born. And distance cannot harm this memory.
I will enjoy planning the guest rooms, one adult orientated, and one more suited to our grandkids, Bree and Graydon. A room where they will be comfortable, when things get a little hectic with the adults, with books and DVD's to curl up with, when they visit in the Winter. A warm room, one that welcomes after a day spent in the Snow, or on a Lake.
This is how I will bring my fami

I know, deep inside, most holidays and family celebrations will be spent together, but there will be some where distance or circumstances will keep us apart.
Those are the times when a memory of Bree's flashing smile or Graydon's chuckle will warm my heart. And there will be gratitude, once again, to Creator for the ease of contact, be it telephone, mail or Video in this day and age.
I hear Graydon's voice on the telephone...the soft babble that comes over the wires melts my heart. Bree, a non-telephone user, will overcome her dislike for speaking on the phone and give quick updates on her life, leaving me with her heartfelt expression of love for me and a giggle...the giggle which has not changed much from when she was a small child.
This morning, I went out on the Motel's deck, and sent Birth

I know, intuitively, my blessings have been received.
I have found a way to make distance from family work as well as it's going to. After the next month or so, when we will be busy with making a home, I will travel to the coast...and then will travel as regularly as I can, in order to keep up with the growth of my grandchildren.
This past year, since Gr

Being part of Grady's Birthday celebrations from afar is just one more of them.
So much Love and blessings to you, so many hugs and kisses, dear Graydon, on your First Birthday!