I shop in small, locally owned markets. Opinions are rife with apprehension, amongst the shoppers. The apprehension shows in their purchases, as well...people seem to be keeping their monies close to their chests.
I stood next in line to an older lady, the other day. And, as an aside to the debate swirling around us, she said...It feels like I've been here before.
My mind on the opinions being expressed by the two gentlemen ahead of me, I managed a distracted...Oh?
She leaned closer to me and in a low tone she said...Yes. It feels like the thirties. We didn't know it was happening until it happened.

She shrugged...I was young, I didn't understand why way back then. All I knew was, it happened so quickly. It seemed like one day I had a surprise from the City now and then...and then there were no more. For a long time.
By now, the rest of the shoppers in the small store were listening, their fearful expectations of a coming financial catastrophe put aside for the moment.
Her voice still low, her eyes focused far off in some distant time, she said...We grew our own food, mostly. I don't remember going hungry, I never worried about that. It could be my parents did...she laughed...But us kids were more worried about the toys we were sure other kids had in abundance.
My Dad, she said...My Dad told us just because we wanted something didn't mean we needed it.
She smiled...I've remembered that all my life.
As I paid for my purchases, I thanked her for her story, and asked if I could write about some of it. She waved her hand at me and said...It's not an unusual story...everybody who went through those times has one just like it!

I pondered over her story, on my way home. I'd told her my granddaughter had told me the same thing...do I need an object, or only desire it...years ago. And I'd said it was surprising how such a simple question could have such impact, during financial stress.
It is difficult sometimes to live up to that old saying. In good times, it is easy to indulge myself, to buy some item which is not necessary for survival. But in uncertain times...it takes the worry over a purchase away. It gives perspective.
Just as the other old saying I'm hearing a lot these days does...Use and Reuse. And another lady told me the other day if she bought the item she was contemplating, she would have to choose what to give away from the items she already owned.
In the end, she walked away,without buying, with a rueful grin.
I like what I have, she said...I can't figure out what to discard...
I returned my item as well.

With so much uncertainty in the World, I find it feels so much better to make do with the items I already own.
Making do...in times like these, it takes a little of the fear of economic troubles away.