As I focused, wondering, more winking lights began to glow...all in a straight line.
As the Dawn progressed, the origin of the tiny lights became clear. My neighbour lights candles, every morning, along the sill of her window.
During these long Winter nights, ushering in the Dawn by lighting candles seems so appropriate to me. I have taken to lighting candles along my kitchen window every morning; a sort of Good Morning, to my neighbour, if you will.
Candles warm my soul. They emit only a small, flickering Fire, with very little warmth...but it is Light.

One can almost be excused for thinking the weather outside is not so extremely cold, after all, with the candles cheerful light.
Candles are synonymous with Christmas, to me and many others. Cathedral or a small home or a makes no matter...candlelight gives cheer, for a very small price.
And they are the first thing I think of, during a power outage. The lights from the candles create long shadows, emphasizing the silence which occurs when appliances and electronics shut down. What might be eerie becomes cordial and gracious.
It is during power outages when I think of pioneers who lived by candlelight. Those candles were made by hand, each one infused with the loving energy of the person who made them. Someone who made good candles, ones which did not sputter and cough, would be well in demand, I would think.

On the Coast, I had many places from which to choose candles. I have not found them here as yet. But the other day, perusing a shelf in a store that had little choice for candles, I voiced my concern to a lady standing close to me.
And she said...I make candles. I sell them here and there...
I smiled, knowing once more my wants were being answered by the Universe. This happens more and more these days, where my desires are quickly filled.
After we exchanged telephone numbers, and I wandered deeper into the store, I mused upon how I am no longer surprised when my needs are almost instantly met. A mere thought, a tiny desire is all it takes, it seems.

Such as the candlelight shining through the Trees, on a deeply cold and dark Winter's morning.
Merry Christmas and a Wonderful Joyous New Year to you all!