But the dream last night stayed with me. I've had it once before, but it was a little different. And I knew it was a dream, because I remember thinking...oh, I've had this dream before...
I was visited by three personages. All were draped in long gowns with hoods...I caught glimpses of their faces, and they appeared to be aged men. They were standing on a ledge above a deep, dark, Pool. We were in a Cave...there were candles which sent off a poor, flickering light, but enough to see the undulating Stone walls.
My daughter Heidi was with me...she was still a toddler in my dream. It's been over thirty-some years since she was so young; yet I had no doubt whatsoever it was her.

But suddenly, my daughter and I were in that deep, dark Pool, which turned into a muddy stew. It was difficult to see...I held my daughter's hand as we tried to navigate through...as we endeavoured to return to the surface, which seemed so very far away.
Breathing was not difficult. I knew we were under the surface of the sludgy Pool, yet I could still see the three men. I did not lose sight of them as they stared down into that Pool, only watching.
For ages,it seemed in the dream, we were in the Pool. It changed from time to time to wonderful, clear Water, swirling around my daughter and I, clearing away the muck. But mostly, we were mired in that dark and grungy Mud.
There seemed to be no purpose to our being there and to the men who watched us. What were they expecting? And how long were we to stay in the swirling, changing Water?
The previously still Pool began to churn. I tried hard to reach the surface, holding fast to my daughter's hand. All at once, I felt it was urgent that I save my baby, and I began to feel disturbed at my situation.
No matter how hard I tried, I could not swim hard enough to reach the surface. It came to me that I was in the Pool for a reason, yet I could not fathom what that reason might be.

I noticed others in the Pool with me. They were all vague shapes and appeared to be trying to reach the surface as well. They were naked, as was I and my daughter...but our nakedness in the dream did not bother me at all.
The Pool changed into salt Water...I could taste it. We were immersed in what I thought was Ocean Water which had churned up as if a Storm somewhere was creating huge, long Waves. I felt Sand battering my body.
The Sand began to hurt...it was unrelenting and I became concerned about my daughter. But she was no longer with me...inexplicably, I saw she was being wrapped in a large towel by a woman who had suddenly appeared on the ledge with the men.
Had she been apart from me in real life, I would have moved Heaven and Earth to reach her...here, I understood inside she had been plucked from the Water by the lady and was perfectly alright.
My attention returned to what had become a painful, watery Hell. I noticed abrasions on my skin; blood...my blood...began to mix with the swirling Water.
It seemed to take forever before my feet found purchase on smooth Stone steps. I was still under Water, yet I knew if I could only hold my balance, those steps would lead to where the men still stood, albeit without my daughter or the lady with the large blanket-like towel.
My head broke the surface of the Pool as I climbed, on my hands and knees, out of the Water. I noticed others who had managed to already reach the ledge; they were being aided by other figures who emerged from behind the three men.
As I arose out of the Water, tingling and bleeding from various abrasions on my body, I noticed what seemed to be Crystals...mostly purple and very sharp, that grew alongside the smooth, stone steps. I grasped these, in order to give impetus to my climb.
It's a bit of a blur after I broke the surface of the Water and climbed to the ledge. I was received much the same as the others who had climbed out of the Pool, by a helping hand and sudden warmth and release from the sharp, stinging pain of the Sand.

It felt so good, sitting on the ledge, which felt warm and comfortable. Many people moved about, far more than that ledge could conceivably hold. I noticed an opening behind the three men...and I knew I was to enter that opening.
And while I processed this, feeling anticipation, apprehension and resignation, I awoke.
As I've said, I've had this dream before, although Heidi wasn't in my first one.
After awakening from both dreams, I felt satisfaction, contentment and happiness. Even during the dream, there were no extreme emotions other than concern for my daughter. Instinctively, I must have known there was no danger, possibly because I knew I was in a dream.
A strange, recurring dream, this one. It is recent, meaning the first one occurred when I still lived in Qualicum Beach, just before we moved.
There are differences...in the first dream, I was not battered by that salty, sandy Water. There was no blood. I did not have Heidi with me. I don't recall seeing the purple Crystals.
But the men, the ledge, the mud in the Pool, the Cave, candles,and the others who emerged to aid the people in the Water...these were all a part of the first dream, as well.

And the feelings regarding the events and circumstances of the dream are the same.
I have the odd feeling it is a precognitive dream...but of what?
I guess time will tell.