The days are becoming shorter. And the speeding Train I am on this year has not slowed...each day brings new beginnings.
But the Train
will slow...within a week, my family from the Coast will travel up to the Cariboo to visit for a few days...an extremely welcome reunion. And then, visitors will arrive within a few days of each other until the end of August. And that Train...well, it'll just have to slow down enough for me to jump off for a time and enjoy my company.
The kitchen is finished and the guest rooms are freshly painted and decorated. The septic tank, which had not been attended to for fourteen years, due to lack of access, has been found and pumped out...just in time, I was told. Especially with the amount of visitors I am expecting.
Disaster averted.
The Excavator came in last week. The operator/owner has a great aff

inity for Boulders and Stones. It seemed as if the bucket was a true extension of his hand, as he moved great Stones and lined them in place in the retaining walls that hold the roadbeds.
And he stood our Guardian Boulder upright, at the entrance to the driveway. We found him after Snow melt; we instantly realized his predicament in lying face first in the draw near the driveway. He makes a strong statement as he guards the drop-off to the draw...big and black, he will show his presence during the snowy Winter months.
The Excavator uncovered giant Boulders, as he levelled a spot for Graham's wood working shop. Some he could not pick up and move...he nudged those along, with his bucket, until they were placed correctly. It will take me time to kno

w all these newly exposed Stones. Each has his or her own identity and personalities and some send stronger energy than others.
The Shop space was levelled and is awaiting the concrete workers. It seems, at the moment, at least, that they might be difficult to find, as the population prepares for the coming Winter by working hard in the Summer months, when construction is possible.

After the concrete base for the shop has been poured, the Excavator will come back and finish backfilling all the areas uncovered for the process. And he will correctly place a chimney on the septic tank so that it can be easily accessed. No more near disasters!
I can visualize the finished look to the area, where raw dirt now lays exposed. Construction and landscaping, outside of my home, is truly exciting for me...I love to watch expert operators of big machinery. They make it all look so smooth and
I look forward, now, to building garden beds in the Fall. I will plant

shrub Roses along the driveway, at the top of the new Rock wall. The area outside the front door will be tiled eventually, along with sidewalks built around the house.
I will have Soil and aged Horse Manure trucked in...in this rocky, boulderous area, there is little friable natural Soil. With great anticipation, I look forward to placing my hands deep within those piles of goodness.

It seems so long ago, since I built new garden beds. It is one of my very favourite activities...it gives me huge creative energy. But this time, I must take into consideration the fact that we have a Well...and only one. Water could become an issue in this dry climate. Xeriscaping becomes important here.
We plan on using cisterns, etc. to collect water for the garden...but this w

ill be Spring's big project.
It seems, as the landscaping took shape (in my mind, if nowhere else), I have felt more grounded, more centred. Blockages to my intuition...to my creativity... have been removed, rather suddenly. I am ready to move forward, much to my surprise.
Those blockages were removed as quickly as each Boulder fell into place. I am filled with gratitude to Spirit for allowing me to witness Stone energy in action, in such close proximity. Becoming acquainted with Stone energy can sometimes take a lot of time; with the Excavator, the time was shortened by far. Those Boulders...blockages...have been dealt with and firmly rooted in their places.

As have I.
So. The curtains have been hung, the kitchen churns out Muffins and Scones and Pies, the septic system is doing whatever it does, the rooms are ready and the Guardian stands tall.
The Inn is open...with widely extended arms.